But all is not lost for the former investment banks. 但是对于原来投行来说并不是所有都失去了。
And Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi lost support because of his country's debt troubles. Former EU official Mario Monti took over as prime minister in November. 而意大利总理贝卢斯科尼也因为国家债务问题失去了民众支持,前欧盟官员蒙蒂于11月出任新总理。
When I went to visit him in hospital, he had lost his former perkiness and was looking much older. 当我去医院看望他的时候,他不再像以往那样生龙活虎,看起来老多了。
Thinking in this way, he lost his former mental calm. 这样一想,他的心就不再如以前那样平静了。
The golden throne of former Kings of Delhi; stolen by the Persians in 1739 and subsequently lost; symbol of the former Shah of Iran. 德里王的金黄色的忘座;年被波斯人偷走随后又丢失;伊朗王的象征。
Lost touch with my former classmates after my graduation from university. 大学毕业后我与以前的同学失去了联系。
Today in Southeast Asia during the Cold War is very different, in the security and political issues, the United States lost its former importance; 今日东南亚与冷战时期迥然不同,在安全及政治问题上,美国的重要性大不如前;
There is no love lost between Bates and his former club, with Bates accusing Chelsea of tapping up some Leeds youngsters. 在切尔西和贝茨之间已经没有什么感情了,贝茨责难老东家勾引自己的年轻球员。
The most valuable is the soul, but have lost their soul, people are still people?» I do not know, but I also think that I will never be the former me. 人最可贵的是灵魂,但已经失去了灵魂,人还是人吗?我却不知道,但我也觉得我永远不在是以前的我了。
Hetang inside the lotus also lost its former shy, which is truly his brother to let dragonfly kiss, hug a few occasional; 河塘里的荷花也失去了往日的腼腆,尽情地让蜻蜓哥哥亲吻,偶尔还拥抱几下;
After complaining of having lost billions of dollars through the collapse in AIG shares, he has made no secret of his desire to buy as large a chunk as possible of his former empire. 在抱怨因美国国际集团股价暴跌而损失数十亿美元后,格林伯格并不隐瞒极想购买这个他曾经掌管的帝国尽量可能多的股份。
Schools remain lost forever and everyone must now admit that no matter what it says, my former government will never rebuild what was destroyed. 学校依然没有建立起来,而大家也只能接受这个事实,我们的前政府不会重建设曾被破坏的家园。
He was rather depressed after his unemployment and lost contact with his former colleagues. 失业以后他相当沮丧,从而和以前的同事失去了联系。
While, with the weakening of its transportation function, the Hangzhou part of the Great Canal lost its former prosperity: the commercial facilities, generated with the ship transportation, became stagnant, and a lot of historical and cultural landscapes disappeared. 然而,近代以来,随着大运河的交通功能淡化,运河杭州城区段昔日的辉煌渐趋黯淡,沿河原有因航运而兴起的商业日益萧条,许多历史人文景观已不复存在。
A backward study of the original meaning of axiology against the background of history of philosophy has found out that the research object of axiology should be "worthy" rather than "value" which lost the meaning of "noble" con-tained in the former. 在哲学史的背景之下追溯Axiology一词的原意,可知Axiology的研究对象应是worthy而非value,在后者中失落了前者中所包括的noble之意。
After the Jiading Peace Negotiation, the Jin Dynasty gradually lost the former initiative power of controlling the developing direction of the Song-Jin relationship. 宋金嘉定议和后,金方逐渐丧失了以往那种控制宋金关系发展方向的主动权,这个过程大致经历了三个阶段。
In the relentless tide of market economy, the International Trade City has already lost its former glory. Of course, there are a variety of reasons for this. 在市场经济的大潮中,哈尔滨国际贸易城已经失去了昔日的辉煌,究其原因却有多种因素。
In the modern time, because of the development of the industry civilization and the society, the Lu Brocade lost its former economic and cultural base and declined just like many other cultural heritages. 新的历史时期,由于工业文明的发展,社会的进步,它逐渐失去了原来的经济文化基础而衰落。许多文化遗产都有与其类似的发展轨迹。